7 Fantastic things to do in Galle Fort

Sprojo Author
Sprojo Author
12 Min Read

7 Fantastic things to do in Galle Fort, From the second we initially entered Galle Fort, we realized it was love. Thin, clamoring laneways and disintegrating frontier relics, an always present fragrance of outlandish flavors and the fantastic tropical setting; there’s only something about this UNESCO World Heritage site that charms and enthralls.

First vanquished by the Portuguese in the late sixteenth century, Galle city was then overwhelmed by the Dutch in the seventeenth century and turned out to be widely invigorated as it changed into Sri Lanka’s fundamental flavor exchanging port for more than 200 years.

Today, the Galle Fort region is not normal for some other spot we’ve found in Sri Lanka; a dubiously European-feeling city plonked in the delightfully pungent jungles, a blend of culture and religion overflowing with shading, and where, fortunately, the flavor of Ceylon tea and cinnamon is rarely far away.

Galle Fort is quickly improving as stylish stores, bistros, and inns start to reestablish the whitewashed Dutch provincial structures back to their previous greatness, yet it just brings dodging down a calm laneway to feel like you’ve going back to the 1700s once more.

Charming, outlandish, and absolutely loveable, Galle Fort is one of the unmissable focal points on your Sri Lankan schedule.

We’d prescribe remaining at any rate two evenings to get a decent vibe of the memorable territory and the day by day life which actually works inside it, prior to moving onto the southern sea shores including Unawatuna – albeit anyway long you stay, you’ll experience no difficulty appreciating every one of the superb activities in Galle.



Outlined by palm trees and postcard-great; on the off chance that you just do one thing in Galle, it must visit the delightful Galle Lighthouse and respecting the most right away unmistakable component of the Fort.

This delightful white beacon traces all the way back to 1848, (albeit the current construction was remade in 1939), and remains on the dividers of the old Galle Fort, managing the protected entry of boats into Galle Harbor.

The beacon is still particularly being used, despite the fact that it presently has another, optional job, as prop to those needing the ideal Sri Lankan photograph.


What | Galle Lighthouse

Where | Corner of Hospital and Rampart St



In the event that these coral-blended dividers and bulwarks could talk, they’d have numerous accounts to share about Galle Fort’s long and changed history.

In case you’re ready for investigating every single corner of Galle Fort’s external dividers, you can follow the ‘Fortification Walk’, beginning at the noteworthy Clock Tower, prior to moving onto the Main Gate, traveling south into the inside of the Fort, passing the Dutch Reform Church until you arrive at the western area’s reestablished Dutch Hospital.

From that point, proceed with south towards the popular Galle Lighthouse, prior to following the dividers to Meeran Mosque, Flag Rock and Triton Bastion. The walk completes at Star Bastion, neglecting the northern coast towards Hikkaduwa.

En route, spot local people playing cricket, eat one of the numerous delectable road food choices (swim, a singed lentil nibble is our fave!), and cool off in one of the numerous inward fortification bars.

The walk is around 2kms, and best done promptly in the first part of the day or late in the early evening, when the temperatures are more sensible – the sun in Galle is scandalously furious!



Without question, one of our #1 activities in Galle Fort was getting magnificently lost among the old laneways and blustery Dutch provincial style structures of the notable community.

Fortunately, because of the great defenses of the Fort divider, quite a bit of this space endure the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, which implies that there are a lot of wonderful remainders still in plain view from antiquated, Portuguese, and Dutch pilgrim times.

Try not to be shocked in the event that you frequently feel like you’ve been moved directly to the cobblestones of Europe!

A few sights and attractions we recommend you visit are:

Dutch Reform Church | Historic Dutch church tracing all the way back to 1640

Old Dutch Hospital | Colonnaded previous clinic tracing all the way back to the eighteenth century

Amangalla | Former home of the Dutch Governor, worked in 1684. Presently a lavish inn, which does tasty evening tea

All Saints Anglican Church | Built in the last part of the 1800’s from strong stone

Meeran Mosque | The focal point of the nearby Muslim people group, worked in 1904

Sudharmalaya Temple | Beautiful white Buddhist sanctuary inside Galle Fort



Every evening at around 5:30pm, local people and sightseers the same assemble along the fortification dividers to watch the dusk over the Indian Ocean. It’s a bubbly and cheerful undertaking; cricket match-ups are played on the grass beneath, entire families assemble to see off the remainder of the day, and explorers blend and talk while Mother Nature marks the sky a wide range of shades of blue, orange, pink and purple.

We’ve presently visited Galle twice on two separate excursions, and watching a dusk from Galle Fort stays one of our number one encounters in Sri Lanka. There’s only something about the superb technicolor end to the day that feels somewhat more unique here than elsewhere we’ve visited.

We think the best highlight watch the dusk from is the Triton Bastion, anyway you can watch the nightfall from basically any point on the western side of the Fort dividers.

Remember to watch out for the precipice jumpers at Flag Rock as well; each evening a gathering of local people challenge threat by jumping in reverse off the bulwarks to the sea underneath.


What | Triton Bastion

Where | Rampart St, inverse Pilgrims Bar



Love shopping? Galle Fort is your place!

There are in a real sense many shops, workmanship displays, flavor and pearl stores, and handiworks dabbed all through Galle Fort, with Pedlar St being the focal point of the activity. We unquestionably think the best shopping in Sri Lanka is inside the dividers of Galle Fort, so in case you’re searching for a deal, this is your place.

Mim resembled a child in a sweets shop as we strolled along Peddler St, visiting every single store looking for painstaking work and materials. Luckily, Galle’s center for shopaholics didn’t frustrate, and she left with the ideal cloth dress for Sri Lanka’s warm and moist climate.

A few stores we propose you visit are:

Stick No Bills – sells mind boggling ‘Ceylon’ retro prints

MimiMango – ideal for females, selling garments and embellishments with a Sri Lankan turn

Koccoriko Paola’s shop – very much made materials for the insightful explorer, just as a couple of crafted works

Outlandish Roots – a mother/girl run shop, selling crafted works and fine art made by the actual proprietors.



We’d read that Poonies Kitchen was the coolest bistro around, serving fantastic, new natural produce and photogenic plate of mixed greens bowls. It totally didn’t baffle.

Arranged at the back of Mimi Mango store on Pedlar St, Poonies spends significant time in beautiful, nutritious and reformist food with a trace of Sri Lankan flavors. The mark dish, the very instagrammable Thali salad (1300r), is an outright should eat. In light of an Indian ‘thali’, it’s a mixed bag of flavorfully new flavors and as Mim says, resembles “eating a rainbow”.

Different dishes worth difficult incorporate the Thai Prawn Soup with pumpkin, coconut and lemongrass (1200r), and in case you’re after dessert, get into their renowned carrot cake (500r).

New squeezes are likewise accessible at around 500r.


What | Poonie’s Kitchen

Where | 63 Pedlar Street, Fort, Galle

Cost | 500r – 1500r per dish. Beverages accessible from 250r

Opening times | Monday – Saturday: 10am – 5pm, Friday: Open 24 hours



In case we’re straightforward, it was difficult to choose one café to include on our rundown of best activities in Galle in light of the fact that there are so numerous to browsed. In any case, A Minute by Tuk takes the distinctions.

Situated in inside Galle Fort at the Old Dutch Hospital, A Minute by Tuk offers incredible contemporary Sri Lanka food, with a couple of worldwide increases for those reluctant to test the nearby flavors, in addition to magnificent perspectives on the straight of Galle. For supper we chose the ‘Batu Moju’, an eggplant moju with roti and curry plunges, washed down with the nearby brew, Lion Beer. For dessert, we inspected ‘Watalappan’, a coconut custard pudding and Sri Lanka’s public sweet.

All up, supper and beverages cost around 3,700r (£15/$20 USD) for two.


What | A Minute by Tuk

Where | Shop # U-12, Old Dutch Hospital, Hospital Street, Galle Fort

Cost | Mains: 1000 – 5000r, Dessert: 500r, Beer: 500r

Opening times | 8am – 11pm, day by day

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